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The above recording is the first 10 minutes of the presentation. The full recording is approximately 1 hour in duration and includes the presenter answering numerous questions asked by ARRM members. If you'd like to watch the full presentation including members' Q&A, you'll need to be a ARRM member. Click the button below to join.

Distracted Driving: What employers and drivers need to know

Wednesday 14th April 2021 at 11:00 (Duration 30 mins + Q&A)
Presented in association with:

Speaker: Dr Gemma Briggs
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Open University

Gemma will discuss research on the distraction imposed on drivers by mobile phone use, which can help to explain both how and why driving performance deteriorates. Her talk will consider how this research can:
  • Help those who drive for work, or employ drivers, understand specific issues with phone use
  • Be used to create evidence-based education for use by the general public and in the workplace
  • Be best communicated to drivers in an attempt to achieve behaviour change

Gemma is an applied cognitive psychologist who has been researching driver inattention for over 15 years. She has lectured and written extensively on the attentional and perceptual issues caused by phone use when driving and has worked closely with several road safety charities to promote and share research findings. Gemma acted as an expert witness in the Transport Select Committee’s 2019 consultation on mobile phone use while driving, and has advised several workplace policy makers on best practice. Most recently, Gemma has assisted the Police Foundation in updating RoadCraft, and has worked with the National Police Chief’s Council, with colleagues at Keele University, to create evidence-based materials for the NPCC mobile phone enforcement campaign. Gemma is currently working on a project with UK ROEd to consider the effectiveness of online driver education.


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