09:30 Doors open and coffee is served
10:00 Welcome and Chairman's opening remarks
Simon Turner
Chairman of the Trustees
10:15 Launch of new ARRM member courses
Dr Lisa Dorn
Associate Professor of Driver Behaviour at Cranfield University
Founder, Psydrive Group
ARRM is launching two new courses for members
Understanding the fundamentals of work-related road risk
- How to champion work-related road risk in your organisation
Lisa has been working closely with us to develop and produce these two new courses for members. Her presentation will look at the content and objectives for each course and how members can register.
10:45 ARRM courses in the real world
Tavid Dobson
Lead SMS Specialist and Road Safety Lead, Rail Safety & Standards Board
ARRM Trustee
Tavid was instrumental in helping understand the need for the these courses in the business world and, particularly, in the rail sector where Tavid and RSSB are trying to raise road risk management standards across an entire sector. Tavid will explain how these new courses will contribute to that programme.
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 A new era for PACTS
Jamie Hassall
Executive Director, Parliamentary Advisory Council on Transport Safety (PACTS)
Formerly Head of Compliance at National Highways, Jamie took over the leadership of PACTS from long standing director David Davies and brought with him a wealth of knowledge related to driver safety and attitudes toward compliance. Having been in the role now for almost a year, Jamie will be talking about what he's learned since he started and what his objectives are for PACTS going forward.
12:30 Association updates
Financial update: Bill Bailey, Association Treasurer
Membership update: Simon Turner, Chairman of the Trustees
This will include an introduction to our new Association Secretary Kathleen Bowman. Secretary is a part-time role within the Association and, following Mark Trimmer's retirement last year, Kathleen has kindly agreed to take this on in addition to her main job which is Community Road Safety Officer for Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service.
13:00 Lunch
NOTE: Lunch will be a finger buffet and we have ordered a selection of gluten-free and vegetarian options. Please email Kathleen Bowman secretary@arrm.org.uk to confirm if you have any specific dietary requirements.
14:00 End of event